Imaginer 3 - Now Shipping

Shipments of Imaginer Volume 3 have arrived in our twin hubs of London and Los Angeles and we're delighted to report that the very first of the pre-order copies went out in the mail earlier today to new homes all around the world!

Over the next few days we'll be working through the remaining pre-orders and getting copies out to their owners as swiftly as possible.

We'd love to see you share your photos and comments as you receive your books?  

Clive says he 'adores' this new volume and we're incredibly pleased with both the quality and the content.

Huge thanks again to Chet Zar for his afterword in this one.

If you've not treated yourself to a copy yet, please do!  Every new sale makes the completion of the series possible and funds the archiving of Clive's work for new  and existing fans, readers and friends.

Early news: we're deep into preparation on Volume 4, with canvas selection and image capture already underway - more updates on that one as we go...

Oh, and sales of Volumes 1 and 2 will start here in late August for those wishing to catch up with earlier volumes.


Imaginer 3 - Advance Copies

We’re very excited to share that we have the advance copies of Imaginer 3 in our hands – and we’re incredibly pleased with how it has turned out!

The limited print run – 1,000 copies of the regular edition and 100 copies of the deluxe clamshell edition – have been all been printed and started their journey… We'll continue to update here as we get a clearer view of delivery timings.

We know that a number of people have been in touch hoping to ‘catch-up’ on earlier volumes – as soon as stock arrives here we’ll let everyone know and all remaining copies will be made available in the store.

Imaginer 3 - Update

With most copies of Imaginer 2 now safely arrived in their new homes (and thanks for all the great feedback you've sent us on it!) and ahead of the 1 June 2016 date for the reduced pre-order price of Imaginer 3 rising to retail price, we thought it was time for a quick progress update on Book 3.

Clive is delighted with this new volume of Imaginer (phew!) and has been leafing the pages of the colour proofs.  On the final pass, he offered just a few last-minute gracenotes and the inclusion of a couple of additional images.  We decided it was more important to make those final touches than to stay rigid to our print deadline. 

As a consequence, that's pushed back the release of the book to July 2016 instead of June - but we're already working hard on Imaginer Volume 4 and that one's right on track for early next year.

We'll get these books into your hands just as soon as we can - and copies of Books 1 and 2 will be available in the store soon for those back-filling on the collection...

With huge thanks for your support!

P&S and Clive

(Oh, and here are a couple of sneak-peek page spreads from the upcoming Imaginer 3)

Imaginer 2 - On its way...

The re-printed copies of Clive Barker : Imaginer 2 have now arrived at Century Guild in Los Angeles, which is busily packaging them up for shipping!

Over the next couple of weeks we can expect all the books and Kickstarter rewards to be sent out from Century Guild and once that's done we'll be making remaining copies of Imaginer 1 and 2 available here in the store.

Next up, Volume 3!

Imaginer 2 Update

Limited to 100 Clamshell edition

The Seraphim team has been working gangbusters in Los Angeles!

Each signed clamshell copy of Clive Barker: Imaginer Volume 2 has been packed up with the various Kickstarter rewards and is now making its way to its rightful owner.

Limited to 1,000 edition

The newly-reprinted 1,000 edition is slowly inching its way across the water and should be in Los Angeles for boxing and shipping out from Century Guild by the end of this month....


Imaginer 3 Goes to Print Today

It's great to report that we are bang on schedule with Volume 3 and we've sent it to print today!

We must say thank you to everyone who has shown immense faith in the Imaginer project by placing pre-orders before Volume 2 has reached their hands. It's an act of trust that we don't underestimate and it's very much appreciated. Thanks, too for all the kind words about the Archive site - we'll have much more to share here in coming weeks and months!

Over the next month we'll be poring over the Imaginer 3 proofs and will keep you updated on progress. 

More news soon...

Imaginer Volume 3 Pre-ordering Now!

We're excited to open up pre-ordering for Volume 3 of Clive Barker: Imaginer today!

Whilst there have been some delays to the delivery of Volume 2, we've been busy behind the scenes compiling Volume 3 so that it's all ready to go to print this month. Thanks to the efforts of everyone on the team, we're all set for a summer 2016 publication date - but there's one element still outstanding, and that's to add the 'Special Thanks' to the enthusiastic supporters of the Imaginer archiving project.

We have just one week to our final delivery date - so if you would like to take advantage of the opportunity to see your name in print in Imaginer Volume 3 then you'll have to act quickly - head to the Store to pre-order a copy of the deluxe edition and select the 'With Thanks' option in your cart. We'll be delighted to have your support and to add your name to the credits, right up front on the acknowledgements page!

Imaginer Volume 2 Production Update

Clamshell Edition

Clive has signed all the bookplates and the books are being packaged to send out from Los Angeles to eager waiting hands! 

Regular Edition

The regular edition copies are, however, being reprinted due to imperfections in the covers. They are at press as we speak and are being prioritised for delivery as soon as possible. These copies will be shipping from Century Guild, which currently anticipates an early April shipping date.

More soon..!